Course registration

Courses can be registred or course registrations can be cancelled if there is no registration for an examination.

Course registration from the current semester:

If there are no course registrations for the current semester, the following message is displayed: "You have not registered for any course units."

If course registrations have already been added for the current semester, they will be listed here.

Course registration from the previous semesters:

Course registrations from previous semesters can be displayed by selecting the relevant semester in the "Semester" drop-down menu.

Add new course units:

New course registratons can be made by clicking on the "Add learning units" button.

Note on schedule:

The schedule ("Course schedule" button) is only filled once course registrations have been added. The schedule can be found not only here but also on the "Welcome" page.

Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the course registration page with no course units registered for. The semester drop-down menu, the message no course units registered for and the "Add learning unit" button are outlined in violet.
Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the course registration page with course registratons. The button "Course schedule" is outlined in violet.
Course registration -  registered course units and schedule

Definitive registrations and reservations on the waiting list are displayed separately.

When registring course units with a red exclamation mark, it should be checked whether the registration is definitive or has been placed on the waiting list.

Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the course registration page with the waiting list. The header of the waiting list section is outlined in violet.
Course registrations on waiting list

For course registratons on the waiting list "Place xx on waiting list until ..." indicates the position on the list and the date on which the waiting list will be cancelled.

Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows an excerpt of the waiting list on the course registration page. The information on the position on the waiting list and the date of cancellation of the waiting list is outlined in violet.
Information on the position on the waiting list and the date of cancellation of the waiting list

The "Group assingment" button is displayed if the course requires that students have to register for a group via myStudies. Typically, these are exercise groups that take place in different rooms.

As soon as a group is selected, only the time and room for this group is displayed on this page, as well as other dates and rooms of the course that do not belong to any group.

Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the course registration. The message that a group must be selected for certain courses and the "Group assignment" button are outlined in violet.
Select group for courses

The course unit titles are always displayed in the original language on the course registration page.

When clicking on the title to switch to the details in the Course Catalogue, the title is displayed in the language that was selected to login to myStudies.

  • Login language German: original language
  • Login language English: English translation, if available, otherwise title in the original language

Course units or individual courses can be deleted by selecting the checkbox next to the number of the course unit or course and then clicking on the "Remove selected courses" button at the end of the course registration list.

If a course unit contains several courses (typically a lecture and an exercise), individual courses can be deleted. This can be necessary if only the lecture is attended for a repetition, as the exercise has already been completed. In this case, the course unit with lecture and exercise is is first registred for. Then, the registration for the exercise is deleted.

The assignment to a group can also be cancelled by deleting the course.

If a course unit or course can no longer be deleted (checkbox to tick the course unit or course is not displayed), this is due to the following reasons:

  • The registration for a performance assessment is existing. It is only possible to delete the course unit or course if the registration for the performance assessment has been cancelled.
  • The result for a performance assessment has already been decreed. The course registration is definitive and can no longer be deleted.
Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the course registration page. The checkbox to select a course or course unit and the "Remove selected courses" button are outlined in violet.
Delete courses or course units
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